A Blanket and a Good Education

The other day my daughter and I were driving in a not so affluent – let’s just call it sketchy- part of town. She suddenly exclaimed: “Why do people have to live in crap?”.


1. Bad parenting tip #1– overuse words like “crap” so that your 6 year old will repeat them at will.


2. Good parenting tip #1– Use random opportunities like car chitchat time for in depth discussions on economics, socio-economic distinctions, birth control and education reform.


And yes, I am serious – we discussed all of the above in about 2 blocks.

To sum it up, she postulated that people didn’t have a lot of extra cash because they probably had too many kids per family, and spoiled them rotten (pot calling kettle?). In reality, she said, a kid only needed 3 things in life:


1. enough to eat- but not treats


2. a blanket to keep them warm (mind you, it’s 85 degrees outside)


3. a good education

When we got home I refrained from showing her Sir Ken Robinson’s Ted Talk but we did indulge in a little Jamie Oliver on the tele. Bring on the revolution! (oh- but don’t forget your blanket!)


Starting Somewhere

I’m excited about starting this blog! The name “Sweet and Gruesome” comes from one of my music video fans, who thought it was funny that I sweetly sing about gruesome topics in History. It would be a great album title, but will have to suffice as a blog name for now.